Kelloggs Fruit Flavored Snacks, Assorted, Jurassic World

Naturally & artificially flavored. Made with fruit puree equal to 20% fruit. Fat free. Gluten free. 100% DV vitamin C. Per Pouch: 70 calories; 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 0 mg sodium (0% DV); 11 g sugars. New! Pteranodon. Triceratops. Roar. Raptor claw. Fossil. T. Rex. Kellogg's Family Rewards: Collect points. Earn rewards. Two easy ways to collect points! Go to to learn more. Universal: A comcast company. Certified: 100% recycled paperboard. Question or comments? Visit Call 1-800-962-1413. Provide production code on package.